Working With Young People

Difficulties in interpersonal relationships and in attachment may arise for a child or young person that may be transient or more enduring.  These can occur in the context of the young person’s emotional or developmental challenges, adverse experiences that occasion trauma and loss, and sudden changes.

smiley_faceAccording to need, I offer brief, or more intensive long-term, individual therapy for the child or young person; or joint work with the child and parent or carer.

In addition to working with the child or young person, I offer sessions to parents and adoptive parents and to adults who care for children and young people in kinship and foster care.  I see parents and children together for joint therapeutic work if this is the recommended treatment.

I have specialist expertise in working with eating disorders as they affect young people and young adults.

I offer individual psychotherapy to young people with substance abuse issues.

I work with respect for diversity and an openness to all that may be explored by young people realizing their identity.

Member of Keeping the Child in Mind Community Interest Company

Company no.13639339